CIoTA BlogsCIOTA CircularCircular – 0002: Payment of Annual Subscriptions

Circular – 0002: Payment of Annual Subscriptions

1. Pursuant to Part II, paragraph 7, subsection 1A of ;CIOTA establishment Act; notice is hereby giving that the 2022 Annual Subscription for all members is due for payment beginning from 1st January, 2022. This notice is to formally remind you of your outstanding arrears of subscriptions (if any) as well as your current subscriptions.

2. The record available at the Secretariat as at 31st December 2021 shows that members are indebted to over Twenty Million Naira in Subscriptions. This figure, when paid, will go a long way in carrying out the activities of a growing Institute like ours.

3. As you may be aware that our esteemed Institute (CIOTA) has no financier and does not enjoy grant from any other source. Thus it depends on the subscription paid by members to sustain the administration and management of the Secretariat, sponsor research, developmental and membership programmes; attend and contribute to national issues in the transport sector and several other advocacies/initiative programmes.

4. Members who pays his/her subscription early and regularly enjoys discounted training course and social services such as Mandatory Continual Development Program, Workshops and Annual Conferences and are eligible to vote and be voted for during the Institute’s election election/appointment into the CIOTA National Committees.

5. The Annual Subscription dues for the Financial Year 2022 and all the outstanding Arrears shall be communicated to all members by email and WhatsApp messages respectively as soon as possible. Wherever the dues have not been received follow up letters, emails and SMS would also be sent accordingly.

6. Consequently, as approved by the Council, failure to pay up an annual subscription and all other fees a year after it has become due will attract delisting from the membership register and all CIOTA social media platforms.

7. Though it is not in our interest to delist any registered member from our Register, we therefore, urge members to please pay up their dues and as well support our determined efforts to move the Institute forward.

Thank you.

Rasheed AiyelabeganFInsTA, FNIM, MCIA

Registrar/Secretary to the Council

 Date:   24/01/2022

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