The Institute's Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives 1

The primary aim and objectives of the Institute is to advance the study, training and practice of transport management and administration in Nigeria regardless of specialization within the industry; and to set standards of practice and determines the knowledge and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become registered members of the Institute and practice as a Chartered Transportants.

Aims and Objectives 2

To promote continuing education through conferences, seminars, work visits and research in all aspect of transport management and administration; and also provide professional training for persons aspiring to qualify and practice as professional transport administrator herein refers to as a transport ants in Nigeria.​

Aims and Objectives 3

Provides Continual Professional Development Programme (CPD) and promote social and networking events including forums to share best practices, views and opinions.

Aims and Objectives 4

To hold professional examinations, award Certificates, Diplomas, and License to those seeking to become professionally qualified transport administrators.

Aims and Objectives 5

Provides a considered professional opinion to the Government on current and proposed transport policies, whether as a result of prepared legislation or custom and practice.

Aims and Objectives 6

To liaise closely with other transport Institutes and Government in the formulation of policy to the mutual advancement of the transport industry.

Our Vision

To develop the transport profession, maintain professional standards and improve the skills of transport practitioners, enabling them to deliver exceptional results for their organisations.

Our Mission

To advance the study, training and regulation of the practice of transport management and administration; and other related matters in Nigeria.

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© 1986 – 2023 · The Chartered Institute of Transport Administration of Nigeria. CIOTA Nigeria

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