Become a Member
The Chartered Institute of Transport Administration of Nigeria Membership Levels.

Why Become a Member?
As a Professional and Examining Body with perpetual secession, we welcome applications for membership from anyone interested in a career or professional development within the transport industry, whether working within the road, rail, sea, air or pipeline/ petroleum transport. The initial benefit of joining CIoTA is by way of an immediate award of a title, bestowed upon you by fellow professionals, in recognition of your current status and achievements within the industry at the time you join. As a member you will then gain valuable ongoing professional recognition and will enjoy the support of the institute as you develop your career. CIoTA makes a difference
If they are;
i) Registered for CIOTA Professional Qualifying Examination scheme, and having a minimum of five (5) credits passes in SSCE, NECO and GCE O’Level including English Language, Mathematics or its equivalent.
ii) Undergraduates currently undergoing a course of study in transport studies in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria or Oversees. All students registered for recognized training schemes in transport studies shall become professional members only after passing prescribed examinations as approved by the Council or bye‑laws of the Institute.
Graduate members
If the applicants satisfy the Council that;
They possess an undergraduate degree in transport or allied disciplines accredited by the Institute or have completed an accredited conversion course where 60% is related to transportation and logistics studies. Graduate membership is based on qualification rather than experience. Initial applications should normally be accompanied by qualification transcript(s).
Associate members
If the applicants satisfy the Council that;
i) They are student, and or graduate Members and have successfully passed the professional level three qualifying examination conducted by the Institute; hold equivalent qualifications from recognized institutions of higher education and are otherwise however found to be fit and proper persons by the Council.
ii) They are transport practitioners of the age of 30 years and above with an approved academic qualifications; and has been in a continuous practice in the transport industry, the professions and the Armed Services, and directly concerned with the management of transport and logistics functions for a period not less than five (5) consecutive years in a middle management level; and who in the opinion of the Council, are found to be fit and proper person.
If the applicants satisfy the Council that;
i) They have successfully completed the final level qualifying examinations conducted by the Institute with a research project; and have in addition, demonstrated an ability to function effectively in positions of high managerial responsibility within the transport industry.
ii) They have held the grade of Associate Member actively as professional transport managers for a period not less than three (3) years.
iii) They are transport practitioners of the age of 40 years and above with an approved academic qualifications; and has been in a continuous practice in the transport industry or allied organization and the Armed Services, and directly concerned with the management of transport and logistics functions for a period not less than ten (10) years, five (5) years of which must be in a senior management level; and who in the opinion of the Council, are found to be fit and proper person.
If the applicants satisfy the Council that;
i) They have held the grade of ‘‘Full Membership’’ for at least 10 years and have rendered over a long period, an outstanding service to the Institute.
ii) They are transport practitioners of the age of 40 years and above with an approved academic qualifications; and have been in a continuous practice and, or directly concerned with the business or management and administration of transport and logistics functions for a period not less than ten (15) years in a senior executive/or directorate level in a substantial transport sector or allied organization; and has in the opinion of the Council found to be fit and proper persons, and have rendered special or outstanding service to the Institute or the industry at large
Corporate members
i) They are body corporate and satisfies the Council that it is eligible to be so registered,
ii) It satisfies all other criteria as may be specified by the Council from time to time.
iii) A corporate member of the Institute shall be entitled to receive, from the Council, a certificate and a plaque in such a form as the Council may approve for that purpose.
Direct Membership Scheme
All persons elected under Direct Membership scheme, upon acceptance would be required to attend one week Mandatory Induction Course and would be issued with personal Membership Certificate.
Course Title | Course Code |
Transport Planning, Development and Management | PLQE901 |
Transport Policy and Economic Regulation | PLQE902 |
Transport Infrastructure Management & Administration | PLQE903 |
Strategic Management and Corporate Policy | PLQE904 |
Logistics Management and Strategy | PLQE905 |
The Benefits of Membership
The opportunity to gain professional recognition within your industry – Provided by the award of your membership grade, which includes letters for use after your name.
The opportunity to progress your professional development within the industry, and keep-to-date with news, innovations and legislation within your specialist area.
A forum for exchange of information, networking and contacts: Opportunity to be invited to relevant seminars, workshops, conferences and other special events to share best practice, views and opinions
The opportunity to expand your knowledge and enrol on educational/training programmes that are relevant to your specialist area.
Assist your careers development through CIoTA’s Continual Professional Development (CPD) Scheme,
Opportunity to express opinions and potentially influence policy on issues that could affect your career.
Enjoy discounted training courses available for CIoTA’s members only.
Access to CIoTA consultancy and Membership services links – Providing a wealth of knowledge and advice to Members.
Enjoy educational and informative on local and national meetings- Including industry related presentations, training and discussions